Mill Valley Seniors for Peace

Our Position Statement on the Israel/Hamas War
After seven months of war, the Mill Valley Seniors for Peace appeal to our country’s leaders and to concerned people everywhere, to end “one of the most destructive, deadly, and intractable conflicts of the 21st century”* by supporting:
International negotiations for a ceasefire and release of hostages,
Immediate provision of food, water, medical supplies, electricity, fuel, and all other necessary humanitarian assistance to Gaza,
Reduction of weapons and military aid to Israel,
Enforcement of international humanitarian standards for combatants, military groups, and others who have committed war crimes,
Continued efforts to end the spread of the violence,
Promotion of diplomatic efforts to achieve a “two-state” solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts and
Peaceful protests and demonstrations regarding Israeli-Palestinian issues.
*AP publication, April 6, 2024
An informed citizenry is at the heart of a dynamic democracy.
Thomas Jefferson